Julia, Week 10 - You Can't Just Ask For It
“People hate helping others, but love to correct them.” A profound piece of advice I randomly encountered on the internet, possibly providing the best life-hack I’ve ever learned. If you are stuck on a certain task and want genuine advice, you simply cannot ask the question and expect an answer. You will have to answer your own question, but in an entirely incorrect way. So remotely wrong to the point where these people will have no choice but to show off how much more control and knowledge they have over you, all out of genuine shock for your cluelessness. There, you’ll have your answer, crystal clear. Unfortunately, that is the reality we are forced to endure. There will be times where we end up being the know-it-all, as there will be times where we become the questioning. And in more times than we think, we have no choice but to appear powerless to others in order for things to go the way we want them to. Because well, we can’t just ask for advice or power and...