Eesha, Week 15: Lost In Time

(a picture of my friends in 2023 during basketball season)

Lost In Time

    Nostalgia has a unique ability to transport us back in time, evoking memories of days gone by and stirring emotions both familiar and bittersweet. It is a powerful force that weaves through the fabric of our lives, connecting us to our past and shaping our present. At its core, nostalgia is a longing for the past—a yearning to recapture the sights, sounds, and sensations of bygone days. It's that rush of emotion when we stumble upon an old photograph, hear a favorite song from our youth, or revisit a cherished childhood memory.

    Nostalgia plays a crucial role in shaping our sense of identity by connecting us to our personal history, cultural heritage, and shared traditions. It also fosters a sense of connection and belonging by reminding us of the people and places that have shaped our lives. Sharing nostalgic memories with friends and loved ones can deepen our relationships and strengthen our bonds of affection and camaraderie.

    For example, I often ruminate and reminisce upon the fulfilling experience playing basketball provides for me. Being able to find purpose or meaning in set goals or standards, offers an intentional ambition that I thoroughly enjoy. Aside from the sport itself, my team stands as a personal guidepost that I constantly lean upon. Without their consistent, unwavering support and reassurance, I know that I wouldn't be half the person I am today. The nostalgia I receive from thinking back to the many moments spent with my friends and family, ultimately encourages and uplifts me.

    So how can you embrace nostalgia as a positive force in your lives? 

First you can cultivate gratitude. By taking time to appreciate the memories and experiences that have shaped who we are today. Gratitude for the past can enrich your present and inspire us to create new memories in the future.

    Second, you can share nostalgic stories and anecdotes with friends and family, reminiscing about shared experiences and cherished moments. Building connections through shared nostalgia can strengthen your relationships and create lasting bonds.

    Lastly, you can create new traditions. In using nostalgia as a springboard for creating new traditions and rituals, we can honor our past while embracing the present. Whether it's revisiting a favorite childhood recipe or starting a new holiday tradition, incorporating elements of nostalgia into our life can bring joy and meaning to everyday moments.


  1. Hi Eesha, your blog beautifully captures the essence of nostalgia and its impact on our lives. You thoroughly describe nostalgia as a force that not only transports us back in time but also shapes our sense of identity and connection to others. The personal anecdote about your experience playing basketball adds a relatable touch and demonstrates how nostalgia isn't just about reminiscing but also finding meaning in our past experiences. Your suggestions for embracing nostalgia as a positive force are practical and insightful. Cultivating gratitude, sharing nostalgic stories, and creating new traditions are all meaningful ways to incorporate nostalgia into our lives and strengthen our relationships. Your emphasis on building connections through shared experiences adds depth to the discussion. Your blog effectively communicates the importance of nostalgia in enriching our lives and provides valuable guidance on how to harness its power for personal growth and fulfillment.

  2. Hi Eesha! Your blog is a poignant piece that beautifully explores the concept of nostalgia, and what it can provide to us. I think you quite elegantly explain what nostalgia is, in all its powerful and sentimental glory.

    I personally look back on my childhood days with some degree of nostalgia, at the times when I knew little about the world, and spent all my time just enjoying life in the moment. At the same time, I probably wouldn't choose to return to that time, as I think there's value in having the knowledge about the world that I do now, and I think I've come a long a way as a person since then (as most people do growing up from childhood). Sometimes, as pleasant as nostalgia can make something seem, some things are better left in the past. This is in line with the first way of embracing nostalgia as a positive force that you write about. I am certainly grateful for the experiences that have made myself into the person I am, even if I wouldn't want to relive them yet again.

  3. The concept of nostalgia has always kept my gears turning for the longest time. I am prone to being a heavily sentimental person, and often venture back into the past as a way to cope and comfort myself. While nowadays, I have started to resent the idea of nostalgia since it has more often prevented me from enjoying my life in the present, I still have hopes for a positive outlook on the concept. With your listed solutions, I suppose my questions really were answered, pivoting the idea to actually learning how to appreciate present times. Instead of dwelling on the past and wishing life were the same right now, perhaps we can prioritize learning how to emulate these exact delightful feelings and make ourselves enjoy the present again.
    I am not sure where your included link was supposed to take me, since the blog did not grant me permission to read it. But, I am assuming that you have also connected another person’s ideas to your own, which is something that most of our cohorts have taken on recently. I liked how you were able to answer many unasked questions by including solutions on how to view nostalgia in a positive light. Right now, nostalgia feels like our worst enemy, but with the help of your ideas, perhaps we can combat these negative perceptions. I appreciate you for sharing your memories with us as well, and I’m glad you are able to create pleasant memories with friends and family through playing basketball.


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